Tag: philosophy

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In the Name of Crisis: Defending Anthropocentrism as the Most Plausible Environmental Ethics

Almost all ecological discourse is always built in the construction of criticism of modernism that places man at the center. It is not surprising then that...

We Have Never Been [Anything]

Modernism should never be understood as a description of reality. Modernism is a corpus of thought in which an ideal is created as a horizon. Therefore,...

Ecology: On Paradigm and Activism

Ecology, as a scientific study of the relationship between living things in their living and non-living things, has provided a new perspective on a...

Pertanyaan Locke kepada Berkeley*

Bayangkan Locke dan Berkeley sedang jalan-jalan bareng di sekitar Christ Church Meadow di Oxford. Mereka ngobrol soal filsafat. Locke menggigit sebuah apel langsung dari...

On Epistemology: Falsification

According to Popper, a methodology of science is one of falsification in the sense, rather than doing inductive inference to get a general argument,...


Filsuf sebagai Juru Masak: Catatan tentang Metodologi Penelitian Filsafat

Sudah sejak lama saya memiliki kegelisahan terkait metode penelitian...

Makna dan Rujukan Fregean dan Tractarian

Premis 4 dalam Tractatus dibuka dengan kalimat “Pikiran adalah proposisi dengan...

Tanda dan Simbol Traktarian

Artikel sebelumnya telah membahas tentang objek dalam Tractatus berdasarkan...

Objek sebagai Forma dan Konten dalam “Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus”

“Objek” adalah salah satu gagasan yang paling vital dalam...

